A new middle school logo design embraces diversity, inclusivity, and growth.


A new middle school logo design embraces diversity, inclusivity, and growth.


Esperanza Academy Logo Design

We designed a new logo suite for New Orleans’ first 50/50 bilingual/biliterate Spanish and English immersion middle school. To reflect the school’s rich Latin American heritage, we created an emblem, athletic mascot, and school seal that embrace both uniqueness and unity across borders.

Good Deeds

  • Promotes the inclusivity of all voices, races, and ethnicities
  • Supports local, charter school education
  • Prioritizes a truly immersive bilingual education
  • Offers students a solid social and academic foundation
School Logo, Seal and Mascot Design for Esperanza Academy

How We Think > Creative Process

Research methods and design solutions can develop over weeks, months and even years. The goal here is to show a snippet of research, concept plus style, and a significant result.

Want to know more about this project? Contact us
auditing, investigation and strategy
Discover Problems
Define Hypotheses
Identify Opportunities
Photos of student work and international flags hung in Esperanza's hallway
Concept, visualization, and design
Develop COncepts
Design Prototypes
Implement & observe

Many schools offer cultural or language immersion for a brief period each day or intermediately throughout the year. Esperanza Academy in New Orleans pioneered a different approach, implementing an equal balance of English and Spanish throughout the curriculum, making it a true dual-language immersion program all year long. The student body (preK–8th grade) comprises children from Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, as well as local New Orleanians. The Academy prioritizes student wellbeing along with their academic experience, offering free meals, medical care, and more to create a secure foundation for learners to build on and soar to reach their potential.

The conceptual challenge for this logo refresh project was to create a logo that symbolized diverse cultures and an acceptance that Esperanza was their home — regardless of their native language or origin. The previous mascot, soaring across the globe, represented potential through Esperanza education. However, the new logo needed to emphasize the unity of this local and global student body. Another challenge was incorporating the eagle, a secondary emblem, into various applications: an Academy Logo, a School Seal, and a standalone athletic mascot. The eagle representation needed to be age-appropriate, approachable for pre-K children yet conveying strength and confidence for eighth graders. The main goal when designing a custom school logo is often brand distinction amongst competitors, but always school pride.

Gathering of various mascot, typography and logos in use
Gathering of various mascot, typography and logos in use
Logo and Color Study comparison and competitor analysis
Prototype Sketches of School Seal
Prototype Sketches of School Seal
How we solved the challenge visually

We collaborated with Esperanza administrators (Natasha Doughty & Myrialis King) to understand user needs and ensure the new logo resonates with Community Academy, academics, athletics, extracurriculars and student pride.

The logo needed to be versatile, functioning across various applications like signage, embroidery, print, digital platforms, and merchandise. Green and blue complement the school's primary maroon, symbolizing land and sea, respectively. This evokes a connection to both North and South America. Dual rings, wave elements, and a mascot create a cohesive design that conveys collaboration. The eagle imagery represents Esperanza as a safe haven, empowering students to explore the world.

What Clients Say

As New Orleans’ first 50/50 dual-language immersion program, Esperanza Academy prides themselves on being authentic and unique. In formulating our new logo we wanted it to capture the true essence of our community we serve. Mary Louise Killen, thank you for leading and providing a product we are truly proud of. We truly appreciate the follow up conversations and making sure our logo is represented well.
Natasha Doughty
Esperanza Academy


Throughout our work with educational institutions, we’ve found that many public schools either don’t feel they need a custom logo or are possibly unaware of the benefits. A strong, cohesive brand identity unlike any other school goes beyond aesthetics. It helps schools engage learners, attract prospective parents, and even secure increased financial contributions. We also provided a comprehensive branding guide for this project. This empowers staff members to maintain brand consistency across all communication channels, fostering a sense of ownership and pride internally which shines on the outside for all to see.

Need expert help?

Is your school’s logo inspiring both students and community members to engage with your institution? Does it give a clear representation of your mission and values? Do staff members have access to and know how to use your logo, or are you constantly making tweaks and pulling different designs from the internet? If your current logo is not helping you achieve your most strategic goals, schedule a call, and we’ll work with you to bring your branding into alignment.

Our Role + Scope
  • Audit and Strategy
  • School Logo Design
  • Seal Logo Design
  • Mascot Design
  • Brand Standards Support
  • Custom swag and promotional items
  • And more


• Natasha Doughty
Principal, Esperanza Academy

• Myrialis King
CEO, Community Academies


School Website

Esperanza Academy

New Orleans, LA
