A targeted micro-campaign celebrates transition while advocating for funding the next 10 years.

A targeted micro-campaign celebrates transition while advocating for funding the next 10 years.

Bricolage Development Campaign

We worked closely with school leaders to craft a micro-campaign commemorating Bricolage Academy’s 10th anniversary, including an award-winning highlight video, custom felt stitched banners, a promotional logo package featuring the school mascot, event programs, collateral, and over 100 student portraits.

Good Deeds
  • Reconnects Community
  • Promotes the inclusivity of all voices, races, and ethnicities
  • Focuses on student joy across socioeconomic diversity
  • Creates opportunities for future learners

Image showcases the 10th anniversary promotional logo design and graphic elements

How We Think > Creative Process

Research methods and design solutions can develop over weeks, months and even years. The goal here is to show a snippet of research, concept plus style, and a significant result.

Want to know more about this project? Contact us
auditing, investigation and strategy
Discover Problems
Define Hypotheses
Identify Opportunities
Testimonials from key leaders
Concept, visualization, and design
Develop COncepts
Design Prototypes
Implement & observe

Bricolage Academy is a nonselective, high-performing charter school in New Orleans, LA. Founder Josh Densen started the Academy in 2013 with the goal of creating an equitable, enriching learning experience for students from all backgrounds, reflected in its diverse initial class of 75 kindergarteners. Today, the school serves over 950 students from all socioeconomic backgrounds, ranging from Pre-K to 8th grade.

The conceptual need for this campaign was to create a campaign that celebrated the school’s first decade by highlighting the school’s achievements, showcasing its unique vision and approach, and looking forward to “another 100 years” of educational excellence. The anniversary also aimed to enhance community ties, donor engagement, and learner pride. All parts of the campaign needed to remain cohesive to the school’s existing brand, while still conveying a refreshed and elevated look for the anniversary.

various questions were asked to key leaders
various questions were asked to key leaders
Graphics displaying data points from 2023
examples of content creation buckets
examples of content creation buckets
How we solved the challenge visually

To achieve this, a video featuring interviews with key stakeholders was produced, aiming to reconnect and recharge the Bricolage community while informing prospective parents and showcasing Bricolage’s strengths to active and potential donors.

We showcased students working together and receiving one-on-one instruction from faculty. This highlights how Bricolage fosters independence as students progress through the grades. To convey the school's history and sense of community, we also featured the historic campus itself. Brightly lit spaces with founding board members and faculty illustrate the shared history of the school and its welcoming environment.

The campaign also incorporated additional print and email touchpoints: a celebratory 10th-anniversary logo, impactful data, portrait photography, email marketing, event collateral, hand-stitched felt banners, and swag items.

What Clients Say

Mary Louise has worked with Bricolage since our inception. Every single time we have the privilege to work with Mary Louise she goes above and beyond to fully express our mission to advance equity and create innovators who will change the world. When creating the video and event materials for the 10 year celebration, it was important to communicate where we have been, where we are and where we are going. She did it. Her vision to honor Bricolage's foundation, celebrate our accomplishments, highlight our culture, and hear student and staff voice came to life on film and in photos. We were thrilled with everything she produced. Over the past eleven years, Mary Louise has helped us communicate growth and challenges to our community. Whether it was an annual report, directional signage, or the development of our mascot, Mary Louise always kept the mission of Bricolage at the forefront of her work. We are beyond grateful for the story she has helped us tell. The impact of her work is immeasurable.
Bricolage Academy
Nonprofit Development Consultant
Hermes Consulting


Many schools hire branding designers to create a logo during their first founding year. As they move toward significant obstacles or celebratory anniversaries, we find schools are ready for an updated visual marketing campaign to reflect both their growth and future vision, but don't they know where to start. We helped Bricolage Academy curate every element of their anniversary campaign to stay true to the school's core brand and values, while also welcoming a vibrant future for students and community members alike. This event was hugely successful, bringing in over 100 community partners and re-engaging partners post COVID. This project won a local New Orleans Addy Award as well!

Need expert help?

Is your school or organization anticipating a significant anniversary, milestone, or transition? These events are a key opportunity to engage with people both within your organization and the larger community. When executed thoughtfully, celebratory campaigns can strengthen your existing brand, refresh your image for a new chapter, and enhance your relationships with stakeholders and donors. We can help you ensure you make the most of your milestone event by determining the most effective campaign elements to include, creating a design that builds on your core brand, and identifying ways to connect with your audience.

Our Role + Scope

• Discovery & Define Phase
• Mini Campaign Concept + Copywriting
• Logo Design
• Moodboards & Shot List
• Location and Budget Setup
• Art Directed Video & Photoshoot
• Email Marketing
• Event Collateral
• Banner Design & Memorial Plaque
• Vendor Research and Setup



COPYWRITER: Lisa Fernandez

MOTION DESIGNER: Rebecca Briscoe




EDITOR: Ben Maner


Antigua Joseph-Woods, CEO of Bricolage, and faculty, staff, students, board members, and community members.



Bricolage Academy

New Orleans, LA
